Freedom from Addiction

Up to 2 million people in the UK are believed to be suffering from an addiction.

Make Contact
  • Is your addiction causing you to feel defensiveness, paranoid, irritable?
  • Do you suffer from mood swings?
  • Tiredness?
  • Do you have difficulty focusing?
  • Do you suffer from low self-esteem?
  • Memory problems?
  • Does your addiction cause you to have secretive behaviour?
  • Do you withdraw from social situations?
  • Do you withdraw from your responsibilities?
  • Have you lost interest in activities previously enjoyed?
  • Are you experiencing poor performance at work/school?

Anything Can Become Addictive

We often associate addiction with smoking, alcohol, gambling and drugs but anything can potentially become addictive. Just a few examples of behaviour that can fall into this category include shopping, the Internet, social media and even work.

What they all have in common is the feelings of pleasure or “highs” that are produced after engaging in them.

Addictions can have a significant impact on all areas of day-to-day life, including relationships and work.

Get Help Early

Getting help early can make a real difference when treating addiction. I use a range of therapies tailored to your individual needs that can help you to address the underlying factors behind your addiction and change how you respond to situations to find a healthier and more positive ways to respond, understand triggers and “re-frame” your reactions and provide you with valuable tools to cope and respond how you would prefer to respond helping you to feel more in control, of your mind and your life.

Make That Positive Change